Maker Faire Bay Area 2024

Mare Island Naval Shipyard

October 18–20, 2024

Join the Maker Community

From tech enthusiasts to crafters to homesteaders to scientists to garage tinkerers, Maker Faire is where novices and experts of all ages come together to show what they’ve made and share what they’ve learned. A community built on curiosity, collaboration, and resourcefulness, celebrating the best of the global maker movement.

VR goggles and haptic feedback gloves

Bay Area

Immerse yourself in imagination and innovation at Maker Faire Bay Area! Check out the magic at our 15th Edition this past October and get updates on next year's event, coming October 18-20, 2024 to Mare Island, CA

Young Maker exploring Maker Faire Bay Area


Maker Faire is the Greatest Show (& Tell) on Earth—a family-friendly showcase of invention, creativity, and resourcefulness. It’s a place where people show what they're making and share what they're learning. What do you make?

Checking out a light exhibit at a local Maker Faire

Upcoming Faires

Each year, over 100 independently organized Maker Faires occur globally. Some host many international makers; others showcase a local community. At all, participants come to share, learn, and get inspired.

Maker Faire at a Glance

Humans have always made things and have been showing & telling their stories, ideas, art, and innovations at Maker Faire globally since it launched in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2006.


Show & Tell

From the pages of Make: magazine find out more about the best of the global maker movement—the makers, projects, workshops, and performances happening at Maker Faires around the world.

News from Magazine

Maker Faire in Your Inbox

Subscribe to our bi-monthly newsletter for Maker Faire news from around the world, community updates, projects, makers, and more! We respect and take your privacy seriously.

I want to celebrate makers. I want to flush them out of the communities and bring them together at events like Maker Faire so they can meet each other and see that they aren't alone, that they can learn from each other and, more importantly, begin to do things that they might not think they can do on their own.
Dale Dougherty Headshot
Dale Dougherty

Do Not Miss out on Early Bird Tickets to Maker Faire Bay Area!
